Baxi E125 Fault

Baxi E125 Fault

Baxi E125 error code is an indication of a primary circulation fault within the boiler system. This can result from problem in passing water through the boiler’s main heat exchanger associated with poor circulation of water. Various causes may lead to this fault, which hampers efficiency in heating up your water and if not addressed immediately it might result in overheating.
Causes of E125 Error Code

Clogged Heat Exchanger: Sludge, debris or scale can accumulate on the heat exchanger over time leading to blockage and resultant restriction of flow.

Defective Pump: This pump circulates both the hot water through the boiler as well keeps your radiators warm. If it is faulty or set at the wrong speed it can impact its circulation.

Airlocks within System: Any trapped air inside the heating systems prevents water flowing properly and hence results into areas with reduced flow rates compared others.

Closed or Partially Closed Valves: Water flow can be restricted if some valves in heating system have not been fully opened

System Pressure Problems: The ability of water to circulate can be affected by both low and high pressure levels in a system

E125 Error Code Troubleshooting and Resolution

Check System Pressure: Note that your boilers gauge should read between 1 and 1.5 bar before adjusting if need be so as to represurize it

Vent Radiators: Discharge any accumulated air from the radiators as well as central heating system since they could cause airlocks.

Inspect & Adjust Valves: Make sure all valves are open wide on your heating systems for proper water flow.

Examine Pump for Sounds/Heat: Listen for strange sounds coming out from a pump or check whether it is warm enough meaning that it is working fine. Get professional assistance when replacing or altering them.

Flush System Out : To remove sludge, debris, scale one would need to flush out a blocked heat exchanger. It is advised that a registered Gas Safe engineer carries out this task.

Reset the Boiler: Following the possible fixing, reset your boiler so as to wipe out the error code and try their normal operation.

Seek Professional Help: To get professional help with regards to complex diagnoses and repairs of circulation faults one needs to consult the services of a gas safe registered engineer; they will critically assess the situation and fix or adjust it accordingly.


The Baxi E125 error code is an important indication for a circulation fault within the boiler system therefore it requires immediate redress in order to ensure that your system remains efficient and safe. Although basic checks can be done by homeowners, resolving such problems usually involves expert help because there are many factors involved in water movement throughout heating systems. On regular basis heating appliances should be maintained by qualified persons who will prevent these incidences from happening as well as ensuring that you enjoy their services when needed most.